Tag: Energy efficiency

Achieving Winter Warmth in New Zealand Homes

Common themes with comfortable high performance houses are insulation, airtightness, ventilation and heating.  Escaping the winter cold by getting a fix in Fiji is pretty good, but this winter I know a few people who have relished winter arriving, and not just because of the…

Risk versus Reward in Building Design

How do I get my design to meet expectations of comfort? I was a gymnast, a National Champion in my grade at the age of 10, now I get the enjoyment of watching my boys compete in trampolining. Brilliant. What fascinates me are the different…

Where Does the Airtightness Layer Go?

Getting layering right in New Zealand buildings for summer and winter. Following on from the previous article, one of the ingredients in modern buildings is the creation of a deliberately airtight shell to conserve energy (warm or cool). We often hear about attempts to achieve…

Compatibility and Adhesion of Wet Seals and Sill Tapes

UPDATE 2024: While there are still relevant points in this article, the foil taping described is no longer required for adhesion of wetseals in window openings. To help deal with the issue of sealants not bonding to substrates, pro clima will be offering a foil…

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