
The Annual Tiny House Workshop

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SOLITEX EXTASANA® wall underlay provides the best weather protection layer for your walls, under all conditions. It protects the building from wind, driving rain and other external sources of water, whilst allowing any internal moisture to escape through the vapour permeable, non-porous TEEE layer.

INTELLO® is a market leading intelligent air barrier for all construction types, providing superior energy and moisture control. INTELLO® maximises the performance of your thermal insulation, whilst restricting internal moisture entering the building envelope.


Builder Everett Norris often brings together a group of tiny house enthusiasts for the annual Tiny House Workshop.

Each year a bunch of keen beans, who are not builders, learn how to build their own tiny homes under the expert guidance of Everett and his team at Ever Homes during the 8 day workshop.

The workshop is split into a couple of days of theory (covering design, energy efficiency and airtightness among other things), and the hands on building part. According to Everett there seems to be no shortage of young people who are looking to be able to afford their own house and wishing to live with fewer material possessions.

We are excited that even at this tiny build level, focus is placed on health, comfort and durability with INTELLO® Intelligent Air Barrier and SOLITEX EXTASANA®  Wall Weather Resistive Barrier being used for the construction.

To our surprise, and delight, it seems these products also had a far more entertaining purpose.
Apparently they are the latest in the world of clothing and accessories…you be the judge, top hat an’ all!

But joking aside, back in 2019, a couple of heavy hitters of the tiny house world flew in to do a lot of the training, including Ben Garrett, an Aussie/Canadian tiny house builder and Kiwi/American, Bryce Langston. Bryce is the man behind Living Big in a Tiny House with a popular YouTube channel with more than 3.4 million followers!

I guess Everett was right…there is no shortage of interest.
So if you or someone you know would like to get involved, look out for the next Tiny House Workshop.

Builder:  Ever Homes

The Annual Tiny House Workshop
SOLITEX EXTASANA® wall underlay provides the best weather protection layer for your walls, under all conditions. It protects the building from wind, driving rain and other external sources of water, whilst allowing any internal moisture to escape through the vapour permeable, non-porous TEEE layer.

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