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We've created a short documentary series highlighting key aspects of building quality homes for people. To raise awareness about healthier indoor environments, we're also running a prize draw.

Win 1 of 40 Aranet4 CO₂ monitors to help you track the air quality levels in your living spaces.

Discover why airtightness is important, and understand why our buildings are cold, damp, mouldy, and deteriorating.

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Small gap, big problems.
Join us as we explore Airtightness — a concept often misunderstood in New Zealand. You may be surprised by what we uncover.
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INTELLO® Airtight Competition
Airtightness Part 1
Why do early 1900s Villas remain the gold standard? Haven't we learned anything in the past 120 years?
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Airtightness Part 2
Why are our new buildings still cold, damp, and short-lived?

Enter our Airtight draw

Promoting better air quality in our homes is a fundamental principle of Pro Clima and so we’re giving away 40 Aranet CO2 monitors to allow winners to measure their home and work environments.

Just fill out the entry form and you'll receive our Airtighness Study and you'll go in the draw. Easy!

The competition has been closed. Stay tuned for future giveaway opportunities.

To find out more about airtightness principles, visit the Airtightness page below.


Airtight Facts

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