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Knowledge Zone: Better Building Performance - battling the naughty child that is E3

Join us for our 5th Knowledge Zone event, live and in-person! We'll discuss Clause E3 Internal Moisture in the New Zealand Building Code. Following the Knowledge Zone, don't miss our first quiz night! Enjoy a lively evening of trivia, nibbles, drinks, and fun!

Knowledge Zone: Constructing smart for Durability - B2

A FREE lunchtime online class focusing on Code Clause B2 of the New Zealand Building Code. Explore the correlation between B2 and E2, discover strategies for optimal performance, and unlock the key to constructing enduring, resilient structures. Earn 10 CPD points (NZRAB) & 1 LBP point.

Knowledge Zone: Cracking open the Code - B1 Cornerstone

A FREE lunchtime online class on B1 structure of the New Zealand Building Code, focusing on moisture protection, framing considerations, insulation placement, and structural integrity. Earn 10 CPD points (NZRAB) & 1 LBP point.

Knowledge Zone: Designing and Building for Airtightness & Weathertightness

A FREE lunchtime webinar discussing how to make & keep your homes or projects moisture-free, condensation-free, healthy and energy-efficient. 10 CPD points (NZRAB) & 1 LBP point.

Knowledge Zone: Energy Efficiency Claims are Easy - H1

A FREE lunchtime online class focused on Clause H1 Energy Efficiency of the New Zealand Building Code. Why is insulation not mentioned in the Code? Insulation optimization, and practical advice for addressing cold buildings. Earn 10 CPD points (NZRAB) & 1 LBP point.

Knowledge Zone: Fundamentals of INTELLO® Junctions

A FREE lunchtime webinar discussing INTELLO® Junctions details and installation with a focus on effective airtightness and moisture management. 10 CPD points (NZRAB) & 1 LBP point applies.

Knowledge Zone: The Art of Recessed Window Joinery

A FREE lunchtime webinar discussing Recessed Window Joinery details and installation with a focus on effective airtightness & weathertightness. 10 CPD points (NZRAB) & 1 LBP point applies.

Knowledge Zone: The Science of Cold Roof Design

A FREE lunchtime webinar to talk about the details, specifications and benefits of Cold Roofs. 10 CPD points (NZRAB) & 1 LBP point.

Knowledge Zone: The Ultimate Guide to SIP & CLT

A FREE lunchtime webinar discussing how to make & keep your homes or projects moisture-free, condensation-free, healthy and energy-efficient. 10 CPD points (NZRAB) & 1 LBP point.

Knowledge Zone: Umbrella or drysuit? E2 - External Moisture

A FREE lunchtime online class about Clause E2 External Moisture. How E2 is really just frame protection for B2 and B1 compliance. Discover why optimal weathertightness requires air barrier connections. We’ll look at retrofit options and weathertightness strategies for different wind zones, and dip into building code add-ons like E2/AS1 and E2/VM2. Earn 10 CPD points (NZRAB) & 1 LBP point.

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