- Measure building performance
- Verify the installation of your airtightness layer before the internal linings are installed
- Reduce energy consumption due to air leakage
- Pro Clima NZ Ltd is the sole New Zealand distributor and licence holder of the Minneapolis Blower Door
A Blower Door is a diagnostic tool that measures and helps locate air leakage within the building envelope. It uses a calibrated fan to generate pressure, then it measures exactly how much air leakage it takes to maintain that pressure. A Blower Door airtightness test is such a sensible practice that many building codes around the world require it by law.
The Minneapolis Blower Door is a system automatically controlled from the DG-1000 pressure gauge - you just monitor the readout of the measured results on the screen. Using these results, the included software generates a complete test report in accordance with worldwide standards such as ATTMA, Passive House and ISO 9972.
The Minneapolis Blower Door has been recognized as the best designed and supported building airtightness testing system in the world. It was developed in the United States by The Energy Conservatory (TEC) and has been in use for more than 25 years.
You can't manage what you don't measure.
Contact us for all Blower Door enquires.

Installation Verification Device

Quality control of airtightness can also be aided with the pro clima WINCON. The simple and easy WINCON system places pressure on the building and reveals air leaks. Short of a fully calibrated Blower Door system, the WINCON can aid you in your quest for building performance.
Loan a WINCON from us to verify your Pro Clima membrane instalation.
Want to know more? Please get in touch